IIn order to join the Widows Sons you must be a Master Mason in good standing with a craft lodge in the Province of Ontario, and be sponsored by a Widows Son member. You must have a full “M” license, and a motorcycle of at least 500 cc, along with proof of valid insurance.
Reach out to your local chapter and they will walk you through the application process.
If you can’t find a local chapter contact us at admin@widowssonsontario.com; please include your name, home address, phone and e-mail address as well as some information about yourself, your lodge if you belong to one, your location, and your ride.
You will be responded to with further information on who to contact and where to meet us and join us for a ride.
We welcome all Master Masons and all riders, in Ontario to join us in fellowship.
If you are interested in Freemasonry you can find out more by contacting our Grand Lodge by clicking here or you can contact a lodge in your area directly.