Our purpose as Widows Sons is multifold:
To bring the joys and freedom of the road motorcycling offers to our Masonic brethren.
To raise awareness of Masonry amongst the riding community and the public at large.
To extend assistance to the widows and orphans of Master Masons.
To continue to serve our communities.
To uphold and maintain our support for each other.
To encourage support and visitation of Masonic Craft Lodges.
To enjoy in the fellowship our membership shares, not only amongst each other, but with all Widows Sons brethren Internationally.
Through our activities, such as Poker Runs, we are able to extend assistance to the Widows and Orphans of Master Masons, benevolence in general, and contribute to Widows Sons children’s Charities. As Masons, we also have a mutual bond through our association in the Masonic Fraternity. This bond is formed through fellowship at meetings, visiting other Lodges, and functions. Our fellowship is shared by Masons all over the world, irrespective of race; creed; political affiliation, or socio-economic status. The fellowship shared by these brethren is endearing and enjoyable, and unique considering that they may be strangers from distant lands meeting for the first time.
A Member of the Widows Sons attempts to further that Masonic bond by extending fellowship to not only other riding Masons, but to other riders in general, and the public at large. We hope that by bringing together in a united manner, the numbers of Masons everywhere that ride, we can more effectively achieve the goals of our association. We welcome you to join us for some fellowship.
Better yet…lets go for a ride.